Sunday, 5 October 2014

~ A 3 in 1 book review! ~

Both By: Coco-Panda,

Yellowfang's Secret By Erin Hunter

I love Yellowfang's Secret, it starts off being Yellowfang when she was a kit (a kitten) called Yellowkit. I think she should not  of become a medicine cat. It was quite sad when she had the kits (2 of them)  then 1 of them died, but I am happy that Brokenkit became the deputy leader. 

When Raggedstar dies, Brokentail becomes leader (and Brokenstar - the name of the leader always ends in "star") but not a very good one, he made kits under 6 moons (6 months) do battle-training and fight which is against the warrior code.

So I really recommend this book to kids aged 9 to 12.  (Boy or Girl)

My School Musical and other Punishments By Catherine Wilkins

This book is really good. It is the last in the series of the three by Catherine Wilkins. It is about how Jessica's school puts on a school musical, The Wizard of Oz. Her best friend gets really really stressed about her big role to play, Dorothy. 

Jessica gets on Set design, along with Amelia. I am happy that Jess and Amelia makes friends.

I recommend this book to kids ages 8 - 12. (Girl)

Puppy Party by Anna Wilson.

The last puppy book in the series. 

I really liked it because it goes through lots of stages like Molly and Summer dis-liking Frank Gritter. I like it when April thinks Nick has dumped her started seeing other woman.

I recommend this book to kids who love animals/dogs aged 7 - 10. (Girl)

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