Friday, 24 July 2015


By Cocopanda


  • I am going to include more interviews from now on. We have an interview today (you'll have to wait - boo!).  
  • The Edinburgh Book Festival is on from 15th - 31st August. Book your tickets now!
  • New books are out! The Looking Glass Girl and Fortune Cookie both by Cathy Cassidy are out! Fortune Cookie is the last Chocolate Box Girl book in the series. And this time its main character is a boy. We can't wait!

What do you write?

I've written over a hundred books, but I'm most well known for my Animal Stories series.
Do you get fan mail?
Can we contact you?
By email through my website.
What is your latest book?
The Water Horse has just been published, The Truffle Mouse will be published in August. Return to the Secret Garden and The Snow Princess will be published in October.
What is it like being a writer?
Mostly fantastic, except for the days where the book doesn’t want to work!

What tips would you give to want-to-be writers?
Read – the more you read and think about what you’re reading the better your own writing will be. Also, try to finish things!

How did you get into writing?
I worked as an editor at a children’s publisher and came up with an idea for a book series. I was supposed to work the idea up so we could suggest it to authors who might want to write it, but I fell in love with the idea and wrote it myself.

Who is your inspiration?
I don’t really have one…

Who would you like to thank for giving you ideas, their thoughts ect.?
My children are very useful feedback, and good at having accidents and entanglements that find their way into my books. So are my cats!