Thursday, 29 December 2016

~ Review ~ Poppy Pym and the Double Jinx by Laura Wood

Title: Poppy Pym and the Double Jinx
Author: Laura Wood
Publisher: Scholastic

 The school play of Macbeth is under a jinx

Saint Smithen's school is putting on a play of Macbeth. From fires to ghostly warnings, everything bad you can think of (well, almost) is happening to the play. Is there really a jinx? And where does the lost gold come into it? Poppy, her family and her friends decide to investigate. 

What I think:

I think that this book is great and well thought out. With Poppy's circus family staring in it the story becomes funnier. If you like funny and exciting stories, read this! 

Check out the other books in the series!

1) Poppy Pym and the Pharaoh's Curse.
2)Poppy Pym and the Double Jinx.

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