Saturday, 20 September 2014

The Library and News

The Library

Today I got some books out of the library. Here is what I got:

Maya's Secret by Holly Webb - I will start it soon, promise!

My Best Friend and other enemies by Catherine Wilkins - Stared it and will finish it soon. Review coming!

Rose and the Silver Ghost - I have not started it yet but I will after Maya's Secret.

In order of reading:

My Best Friend and other Enemies,
Maya's Secret,
Rose and the Sliver Ghost


1. An interview with Josh Lacey is coming up, check out his website to see what he writes and if you will like his books. Link here: or: 

2. I will be opening a book club. It will run every Saturday, it might be a book from my bookshelf at home or the library, I will do it by saying "please can you read from chapter 9 to chapter 11" and so on then by Saturday I will give my views and see if you agree. (Things you will need for Book Club: The book we are reading if you don't have the book it does not matter you could borrow it from a friend or library.)

Get your books and read!

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